Fiduciaries, funds, and wealth managers
As a participant in the financial industry, it is a great advantage to be able to deliver advanced digital financial offerings to your customers securely and promptly. Bank products often don't offer the same flexibility that you require. That's exactly where COMO can help!
We sit at the heart of your business
Strategically positioned in the heart of Europe’s largest hub for financial intermediaries and funds, COMO is a proven partner for empowering this sector with future-proof digital financial solutions.
Whatever your needs... COMO has the solution for you.
Products for you

Multi-currency IBAN Account
Send, receive and manage your global funds from one account with 24+ currencies
Master Account (segregated)
To mirror your business structure, and manage your client funds in one place
Connected banking
Globally connected banking platform
API-driven digital transformation
Plug-and-play banking self-service platform with vast choice of options
Holistic, secure and compliant banking infrastructure
Data-driven banking
Fractured data brought together
Full ownership and control of financial data
Real-time data analytics for better-informed decisions
Unified data approach across payment, banking, and insights. Single Truth Finance.
Banking builder
Find your perfect fit
Real-time planning and personalized financial services for your specific needs
Tailored banking solution synchronized with your business model
Powerful, easy to use and simple to integrate into any business financial software
Banking optimizer
Unprecedented efficiency gains
60% cost reduction
15% increase in top line
Minimal training required, fast go-to-market and no third-party intermediaries